Index of burials recorded in BACSA`s Cemetery Record Books.
"Burma Register of European Deaths and Burials edited by Rosie Llewellyn-Jones 2015, 212pp ISBN 978 0 907799 99 3. £15.00. A comprehensive new edition combining the original Register (1983) and the Supplement (1987), clearly arranged with an index of names and cemeteries and covering burials up to 1948.
Should you wish to purchase a copy, send your order to: Bacsa Books, 26 Northchurch Terrace, London, N1 4EG; email [email protected]. Please await invoice before sending payment. An additional charge will be made for post and packing. If the book is unavailable we can supply a photocopy of the relevant page for a fee of £3. For this contact David Blake, 5 Elm Grove, Berkhamsted, HP4 1AE; email [email protected]." |